

This first video is movie created from one of my short stories first broadcast by the BBC Radio Scotland in 2010 and was selected by Roddy Woomble (from  the band ‘Idlewild’) for the programme ‘Days like these’. The background music is, of course, by the great Buddy Holly. A shorten version was later published by the “The Guardian”. The original story was published by the Scottish Book trust and is reproduced on this site (See Short Stories)
The link to Idlewild is:



I made two short promos for the novel ‘Torn Edges’. This one features the song “I’ve Realised” by the post punk Glasgow band ‘The Wake’ (with their permission). Unfortunately there are several bands how now using their name – best found at



This is a YouTube video I made from an 8mm cine camera that a cousin of mine, Mary Greene, made in 1963 to send to my sister Maureen who was in Canada at the time. It’s had 3,000 hits so far (in 4 months) and some realty interesting comments including one from the son of a couple who are the first married couple to leave the church. They had never known anything about the film and had just seen it for the first time on YouTube – rather a poignant tale I thought.

The main music is by Chuck Berry, a German company claim copyright and the therefore right to show irritating adverts